Monthly around 74,000 people around the globe searches for how to make tea in google.
Making tea is not just boiling some sugar tea powder and milk together. Here is the trick of making tea that tastes fantastic. Let us start to make a nice cup of tea.
How to make tea: Step by step procedure
Making tea is not just boiling some sugar tea powder and milk together. Here is the trick of making tea that
tastes fantastic. Let us start to make a nice cup of tea.
There are two ways of making tea first way is boiling tea powder, sugar, and milk together. Second ways is making black tea first and add milk and appropriate sugar to it.
First we can analyze the second way and that will be the best way of making tea.
1. Bring 3/4th cup of water for every cup of tea you need in a non-reactive tea kettle. If you want to make a good cup of tea the quantity of water should be maintained.
2. After boiling water add tea powder, we recommend one teaspoon of tea powder, but you can change the quantity of tea powder as per your taste is you want strong taste of tea leaves in you tea add more tea powder or you can add lesser amount of tea powder to make a light tea. If you are going to use tea bags one tea bag per cup is the quantity. If you are using tea bags then pour the boiled water to cups then put tea bags to it.
3. Add sugar as per your taste and boil the mixture to get a reddish tinge in the mixture.
4. Now you got the black tea sieve it and pour into cups. You can avoid sieving if you use tea bags.
5. Add 1/4th cup of warm milk for every cup of tea you need in the tea kettle if you need milked tea or else add some flavor to the black tea and serve.
The fist method I described earlier is mixing all the above described contents in a tea kettle and boil it very simple, but taste may vary and we don’t recommend this method.
If you use tea bags you can make personalized tea for every one by dipping the teabag in their tea cup according to their taste.
Over boiling of water and tea powder will create a bitter taste.
Store the tea in thermos.
Types of tea
Chai Tea – how to make chai tea
It is an Indian version of tea it is also called as masal chai.
Add the bouquet garni in the water which we have taken for making tea and boil the water and simmer then add tea leaves. After some time remove the bouquet garni. Add honey, vanilla, and milk. You can change the flavors as you wish. You can try licorice, chocolate, cocoa, or saffron.
Black tea
1. Bring a little excess amount of water in a tea kettle.
2. After boiling water add tea powder, we recommend one teaspoon of tea powder, but you can change the quantity of tea powder as per your taste is you want strong taste of tea leaves in you tea add more tea powder or you can add lesser amount of tea powder to make a light tea. If you are going to use tea bags one tea bag per cup is the quantity. If you are using tea bags then pour the boiled water to cups then put tea bags to it.
3. Add sugar as per your taste and boil the mixture to get a reddish tinge in the mixture.
4. Now you got the black tea sieve it and pour into cups.
White tea
Making white tea is just like making black tea only one difference replace water with milk.
Making of lemon grass tea
You can make Lemon grass tea by adding a few strands of lemongrass to boiling white or black tea.
Iced tea
If it is hot out there then sip a chilled black tea, is it nice? You can make iced tea by chilling a black tea and add some ginger syrup and a slice of lemon it.
Tips to flavor your tea
You can add cardamom to your tea to make cardamom tea.
You can add ginger to make ginger tea, etc.
History of tea
Tea was discovered by the Chinese in 5000 years ago. The emperor Shen Nung discovered it accidentally. He is an expert in medicine. One day his servants boiling water for him, but some tea leaves accidentally fell in the water. When he tasted the drink he felt extremely refreshed and he liked it and used to drink it. The Chinese introduced the tea to the World.
Making tea is not just boiling some sugar tea powder and milk together. Here is the trick of making tea that tastes fantastic. Let us start to make a nice cup of tea.
How to make tea: Step by step procedure
Making tea is not just boiling some sugar tea powder and milk together. Here is the trick of making tea that
tastes fantastic. Let us start to make a nice cup of tea.
There are two ways of making tea first way is boiling tea powder, sugar, and milk together. Second ways is making black tea first and add milk and appropriate sugar to it.
First we can analyze the second way and that will be the best way of making tea.
1. Bring 3/4th cup of water for every cup of tea you need in a non-reactive tea kettle. If you want to make a good cup of tea the quantity of water should be maintained.
2. After boiling water add tea powder, we recommend one teaspoon of tea powder, but you can change the quantity of tea powder as per your taste is you want strong taste of tea leaves in you tea add more tea powder or you can add lesser amount of tea powder to make a light tea. If you are going to use tea bags one tea bag per cup is the quantity. If you are using tea bags then pour the boiled water to cups then put tea bags to it.
3. Add sugar as per your taste and boil the mixture to get a reddish tinge in the mixture.
4. Now you got the black tea sieve it and pour into cups. You can avoid sieving if you use tea bags.
5. Add 1/4th cup of warm milk for every cup of tea you need in the tea kettle if you need milked tea or else add some flavor to the black tea and serve.
The fist method I described earlier is mixing all the above described contents in a tea kettle and boil it very simple, but taste may vary and we don’t recommend this method.
If you use tea bags you can make personalized tea for every one by dipping the teabag in their tea cup according to their taste.
Over boiling of water and tea powder will create a bitter taste.
Store the tea in thermos.
Types of tea
Chai Tea – how to make chai tea
It is an Indian version of tea it is also called as masal chai.
Add the bouquet garni in the water which we have taken for making tea and boil the water and simmer then add tea leaves. After some time remove the bouquet garni. Add honey, vanilla, and milk. You can change the flavors as you wish. You can try licorice, chocolate, cocoa, or saffron.
Black tea
1. Bring a little excess amount of water in a tea kettle.
2. After boiling water add tea powder, we recommend one teaspoon of tea powder, but you can change the quantity of tea powder as per your taste is you want strong taste of tea leaves in you tea add more tea powder or you can add lesser amount of tea powder to make a light tea. If you are going to use tea bags one tea bag per cup is the quantity. If you are using tea bags then pour the boiled water to cups then put tea bags to it.
3. Add sugar as per your taste and boil the mixture to get a reddish tinge in the mixture.
4. Now you got the black tea sieve it and pour into cups.
White tea
Making white tea is just like making black tea only one difference replace water with milk.
Making of lemon grass tea
You can make Lemon grass tea by adding a few strands of lemongrass to boiling white or black tea.
Iced tea
If it is hot out there then sip a chilled black tea, is it nice? You can make iced tea by chilling a black tea and add some ginger syrup and a slice of lemon it.
Tips to flavor your tea
You can add cardamom to your tea to make cardamom tea.
You can add ginger to make ginger tea, etc.
History of tea
Tea was discovered by the Chinese in 5000 years ago. The emperor Shen Nung discovered it accidentally. He is an expert in medicine. One day his servants boiling water for him, but some tea leaves accidentally fell in the water. When he tasted the drink he felt extremely refreshed and he liked it and used to drink it. The Chinese introduced the tea to the World.
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